Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Some frustration, some success

Robert went out this morning for a bit of boxing in the Kinne Preserve in Canterbury, but did not have much luck.

I (Karen) went out after Gillian went off to school for some more boxing in Bozrah. It was a great autumn day. My first clue was wrong--steps, not paces--but found the box. Second and third clues were just a mess, no boxes found. Fourth set of clues were OK, box was less than spectacular. Fifth and final set of clues took me to a place I had never been before, but inspired me to plant a new box: Foraging Dandelion. I had been hiking all day with two complete and ready boxes in my backpack just in case I found a good spot for them. Yantic River Park is nothing fancy, but it has a nice, often-mowed lawn with dandelions in it. It is difficult to find dandelions in the deep woods or overgrown fields, so I was ideally looking for an isolated lawn. Yantic River Park has some benches for sitting with a book, picnic tables for lunch, and a grassy area for lounging or tossing a ball. I could not plant too close to the river, since I could see debris in the trees along the river from when the water level gets high from rain or snow melt. This is a very easy walk, short and sweet.

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