Monday, May 24, 2010

Foraging Report 05/24/2010

Nothing new to report this week, just more of the same. In some areas, the blueberries and huckleberries are growing nicely. We picked more smilax shoots to eat, dug some more Indian cucumber roots as a trail nibble, plucked monkey tail tendrils from grape vines to munch, and tried to finish eating the Black Locust flowers up in the fridge.

While out letterboxing, we were able to find our 5th CT DEP State Forest Box, earning a patch. We went to Meshomasic and Cockaponset Forests this weekend. Cockoponset has regularly scheduled controlled burns, so there are areas where the tree canopy is not nearly as dense, resulting in great foraging spots. Some of the first plants that will reoccupy a burned area are the bushy wild blueberries and huckleberries. While there, we also spotted a garter snake and a big,black snake, and a robin's nest with 3 bright blue eggs. There is a vernal pool in the area, with a duck we startled and plenty of frogs and tadpoles.

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