Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Autumn Mushrooms Of Connecticut

Autumn bounty of hens, chickens, and spicebush berries.

Before we started studying mushrooms and fungi more than 6 years ago, there were many things I never knew about them: their mycorrhizal relationships with trees, that they could have pores, teeth or gills on the undersides, and that like plants, they are highly seasonal. Our fall fungi of southern New England are fruiting well after some recent rains, and woods are a riot of color, textures, beauty, and free edibles.

Cortinarius semisanguineus
 Some of our upcoming classes include a slideshow on Mushroom ID for Beginners, or The Edible Plants and Fungi of Autumn. We use our original photos and include some informational handouts for participants.

Lactarius deceptivus

Amanita crenulata, champagene Amanita

Sparassis crispa, cauliflower mushroom

Craterellus fallax, black trumpets

Suillus gravellii

Grifola frondosa, maitake

Plicaturopsis crispa, crimp gill

Boletus edulis group, porcini

Mycena pura

Lycoperdon perlatum, gem studded puffball

Amanita frostiana

Gymnopilus luteus, big laughing gyms

Laetiporus sulphureus, chicken mushroom

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca, false chanterelle

Amanita amerivirosa, deadly autumn destroying angel

Coprinopsis picacea, the magpie inky

Ramaria species, coral


  1. I absolutely adore wild mushrooms and look forward to the foraging season every year! That's a fascinating collection of photos. I have never found the chicken of the woods, it's on my bucket list!

  2. I don't get any fungi quite like this in my garden!
